In a world that often silences the marginalised, being radical morphs into a necessary act of resistance. But what does it truly mean to be radical in the context of living, and living decolonially? It is a journey of reclamation – a reclaiming of the spaces, narratives, and ways of being that have been suppressed by the dominant power structures.

As an intuitive coach & consultant guiding individuals on the path of decolonial alignment, I've witnessed the transformative power of embracing the radical. It's a destructive yet nurturing process, one that requires us to confront the deep-seated wounds of colonisation, it’s legacy, and the ongoing violence of its existence, and to courageously (re)imagine the world we wish to inhabit otherwise.

Being radical, in this sense, is not about extremism or aggression as some dictionaries and dominant narratives would have you believe. It's about unearthing the forgotten, the silenced, and the discarded – the very lifeblood each of our ancestral heritage has sought to pass on in the first instance. It's about reclaiming the indigenous wisdom that has been systematically & systemically erased, and weaving it back into the tapestry of our lived experiences.

This radical act of reclamation is not an easy one. It demands that we face the shadows of our past, all of which is shared, and the traumas that have been passed down through generations. It requires us to sit with the discomfort, the grief, and the rage that come with acknowledging the injustices perpetrated against our communities.

But within this destruction of the status quo, there lies a glimmer of hope – a recognition that our radical embracement of decolonial values is not just an act of resistance, but a sacred duty to our colonised ancestors and to the generations that will come after us.

By aligning our lives in praxis of decolonial living, we create a space for continuous healing and transformation. We cultivate gardens of resilience where the seeds of our cultural traditions can take root, flourish, and evolve. We build bridges of understanding, connecting the dismembered past to the present, and envisioning a remembered future where the once-silenced voices can be heard, honoured, and celebrated.

In this journey of radical reclamation, we are not alone. We are part of a global community of individuals and collectives who are reclaiming their power, their narratives, and their place in the world. Together, we nurture the seeds of change rooted in praxis that seeks to disrupt the colonial legacy, one step, one breath, one act of radical self-love at a time.

Let us embrace the radical – not as a mere political stance, but as a way of being that honours the depth and complexity of our lived experiences. Let us walk this path with compassion, with resilience, and with the unwavering belief that the future we envision is not only possible, but necessary for the continuous healing of our world.

When you’re ready to search for a steward on your journey towards aligning your values and praxis, we are waiting for you in the hedgerows.

